Category: Uncategorized

What Lies Beyond “Where the Sidewalk Ends”?

July 25, 2024

by Mike Maher, CPP Director of Professional Services I grew up in the city (Chicago, not NYC), and have many fond memories of my childhood. I was an ambitious kid; some would say a dreamer. I was constantly thinking about what I wanted to be when I grew up. What […]

Forget “Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt” When it Comes to Cybercrime

May 25, 2021

The Colonial Pipeline security breach that struck in early May knocked out a critical pipeline that runs from Texas up to the mid-Atlantic region and supplies 45% of the fuel used on the East Coast. It was a ransomware attack at an entirely new level, not only costing the pipeline […]

New CPP Podcast Series Premieres

April 27, 2021

Be “a fly on the wall” as CPP Partner, Paul O’Dell, discusses some of the most important issues and trends in the technology world with senior CPP team members and special guests. In each episode, Paul guides the discussion, delving into the finer points of each subject with industry experts […]

The Essence of Partnership

April 27, 2021

By Dan Libonati, CPP Senior Solution Architect Value Added Reseller (VAR), Solution Provider, Consulting Practice or Channel Partner.  These are the nouns that are used to describe the business that CPP is in.  But in our company, the word “Partner” has a dual meaning.  There is a relationship that a […]

What on Your BOD’s Mind? First, Security. Then, Security.

April 27, 2021

by Paul O’Dell, CPP Partner In my role at CPP, I am very fortunate to speak with many IT leaders within our customer base about their priorities.   Almost 100% of the time it’s security.   They are being challenged by their businesses, their customers and their board of directors. The majority […]

Let’s Revisit Microsoft Azure

March 16, 2021

By Mike Maher, Director of Professional Services CPP has received a lot of client calls and questions about the recent SolarWinds events, most of them revolving around what customers should do to secure their own infrastructure. While there is little sense in re-litigating how egregious a supply chain breach it […]

How to Handle MS Exchange HAFNIUM Zero-Day

March 16, 2021

By Steve Scarola, Security Practice Lead As we have all heard, Microsoft recently disclosed multiple vulnerabilities in their Exchange 2010-2019 products. Understanding whether you are (or were) compromised is your first priority, along with mitigating those open vulnerabilities as quickly as possible. To mitigate any current issues, take the time […]

Is Your Computer Wearing Old Software?

March 16, 2021

By Dan Libonati, Senior Solutions Architect Spring is on its way. So why is your computer wearing (or running) outdated firmware or software?  This month, CPP saw a few customers that had issues with the solutions they have deployed in their datacenters.  As a 30-year veteran of the IT industry, […]

2020: The Year that Roared

February 2, 2021

By Mike Maher, CPP Professional Services Practice Lead Wow. 2020 was something, wasn’t it? Security breaches, an explosion of the remote workforce, low-code applications, a competition for on-prem or public/private cloud solutions; there sure was a lot to think about, act on, and guard against. Now here we are! It’s […]

The Power of GreenLake – cloud-like experience with on-premises control

February 13, 2020

HPE partners are recognizing that their clients, in the enterprise to small and mid-sized businesses, are demanding a cloud like experience with on-premises control and governance to facilitate their digital transformation. As a result, HPE is positioning GreenLake’s fast growing “pay per use” business model to its’ partner ecosystem more […]