March 16, 2021
By Paul O’Dell, CPP Partner
What a long, strange trip it’s been.
I can’t believe that is been a little over a year since COVID-19 has become the most pressing issue of our time. It changed just about every aspect of how we live and work. It’s been hard on families and friends. It has created challenges for many companies, including ours. I am not talking about money. I am talking about people and the daily challenges that we have all had over the last 12 months. I feel like I have been blessed overall. My personal family and the CPP family have been spared from the worst of what COVID has dealt many (too many).
That being said, if my life could be equated to that of a tree I would think if you did a carbon ring test on me, you would definitely notice a difference between all the rings prior and the most recent one that was formed.
My hope is that the difference in my internal life ring is for the better. I want this for everyone.
My hope is that as the flowers start to bloom and leaves fill our trees, we can start to move back to a sense of normalcy: a new season of hope. Our kids need it, our companies need it, we all need it.
Let’s hope that the remedies for society’s health take hold but also that we start thinking about remedies to heal the soul of our society.
I certainly don’t have all the answers. But I think it starts with a saying I have heard over and over throughout my life. God gave you two ears (and two eyes) and one mouth so you will listen (and observe) twice as much as you speak. Use them to better understand your neighbor, family member, customer, challenger, foe, etc. and do your best to expand your perspective and compromise wherever possible. Always look for win win.
I have hope and that hope springs eternal.