Microsoft 2022 Pricing Policy Changes FAQ

Microsoft will be enforcing a premium increase for companies who chose to license month to month (MOST COMMON CURRENTLY).

Pricing increases can be avoided in most cases by signing a yearly or multi-year agreement (that can still be billed monthly).

It is possible to secure license costs at the current rate and avoid the monthly premiums if you sign a 1-3 year agreement before this coming March. 


  1. When will contract pricing changes become effective?
    • Price increases will affect new and renewing orders upon renewal date (i.e. contract end date of 8/31/2022, pricing will change 9/1/2022).
  1. If multiple contracts are in effect, but each individual contract has a different end date, when will those price changes become effective?
    • Each contract will see the price change upon the individual renewal dates.
  1. Please confirm the three different billing options: Month to month, annual (billed monthly), annual (billed upfront).
    • NCE will include Month to Month, Annual Paid Monthly and Annual Paid Upfront.
  1. Please confirm the price differences for each billing option.
    • Month to Month will include a 20% premium charge on top of MSRP.
    • Annual (paid monthly/upfront) will not have a premium added and will be similar* to current pricing.
    • If Microsoft decides to increase the price of a particular SKU, then that SKU would be subject to an increase once the contract renews.
  1. During a “month to month” contract, are changes allowed to be to the existing contract (i.e. increasing/decreasing license counts)?
    • Yes, but only during the designated timeframe. There will be a 72 hour period each month when changes will be permitted. That period depends on the date that the contract was created.
  1. During an “annual” contract, what happens when adjustments need to be made (i.e. license count increases and decreases)?
    • Increases/upgrades can be made at any time. However, decreases/cancellations will only be permitted at the renewal period (once per year).
  1. If increases are made to an annual agreement, how does that affect billing?
    • A prorated amount for the remaining time on the annual subscription would be billed the following month (after adjustments have been made).

More to come; so please check back…

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